Written Testimonials

Janet S. – So Thankful to You and Your Staff

By February 14, 2017 No Comments

“My life is so much better, more comfortable, more joyful”

Hello Dr. T.,
My name is Janet S. I saw you in the NJ office. One year ago today I completed round 2 of your protocol and reached my goal weight of 115 lbs. Having lost weight (but never reached my goal) on what seemed like hundreds of other diet programs, I packed up all my big cloths in all my big sizes and decided that if in ONE year I was still maintain my goal weight I would donate it all, and I DO MEAN ALL, to the Vietnam vets charity. WELL, TODAY IS THAT DAY!!! Thanks to you, I have pretty easily maintained 115 and often see 113.
Just wanted you to know… My life is so much better, more comfortable, more joyful….. HAPPY!!
THANKS to  YOU, your STAFF and ME, my life has been transformed forever… Just one of the many many things that I am truly THANKFUL for this year!!
Thank YOU, and YOURS, from my HEART!!
Talk to you next November 7 to celebrate year 2!!!!
Janet S

* Individual Results may vary

Author NJ Diet

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