Written Testimonials

Anne M

By February 15, 2017 No Comments

“We are different people- healthy, young, full of energy and for that we will be forever grateful.”

Firstly, I want to thank you for completely changing our lives. We are different people- healthy, young, full of energy and for that we will be forever grateful. I was 100 % skeptible as a registered nurse. When Tino told me about your program I told him to forget about because there is no way a person 1lb per day and it be healthy for the person. After he kept talking about it, I agreed to go with him to the consultation. Tino has suffered with an autoimmune disease for the past 17 years, his mother died at age 51. He was on chemotherapy, steroids, pain meds and vitamins. The chemo makes him “mean” and difficult to live with.

A number of times I told his doctor that I will get divorced and call her as a witness for making him take these horrible meds. The kids know by his mood when he has taken the chemo. By day 3, he was off all pain meds. By day 20, chemo pills were cut in half. He received IV infusion every 6 weeks, which during the program was increased to 7 weeks and then 8 weeks. At the last visit Tino asked them to increase it to 9 weeks, but the doctor is fearful- he told them I have no pain, stop the nonsense!

I did the program to support him and as an added benefit changed my life as well. Who knew I would benefit as well! He only needed 1 cycle and continued to lose weight. He is now down to 165 from I think 225 and feels good at that weight. I just completed cycle 2 and will come in next week for my final scan.

I called the office today to reschedule my appointment because I was suppose to go to LI office. I spoke to Marina and she told me to email you. ( I fit into my 17 year olds size 4 jeans the other day and I started at a size 16. I was wondering if it would be possible to do an abbreviated program in the winter.

Author NJ Diet

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