
How Making Simple Lifestyle Changes Can Help Lower And Prevent High Blood Pressure

By May 31, 2018 No Comments

During the month of May, “National High Blood Pressure Education Month” encourages us all to educate ourselves by learning the basics of controlling our Blood Pressure.

At NJ Diet, we are taking the opportunity during National High Blood Pressure Education month to provide you with valuable information on how to control your blood pressure through simple lifestyle changes, which start with managing your weight and health through diet and exercise.  

NJ Diet has not only helped many people lose weight and improve their overall health — our program has also been successful for those dealing with hypertension, by aiding in reducing their high blood pressure back into a normal range.


According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), “In the United States, nearly one in three adults has hypertension, but only about half (47%) of those have it under control.”

National Blood Pressure Education Month presents the opportunity to learn all about what normal blood pressure is.  After all, understanding blood pressure is key to keeping it at a healthy level.

Every time the heart beats, blood is pumped into the arteries, pushing blood onto its walls. The force by which blood is pushed onto the artery walls is called blood pressure, and it is determined using two measures: systolic pressure and diastolic pressure.

Systolic pressure is measured when the heart beats and blood pressure is highest, and diastolic pressure is measured when the heart rests between beats and blood pressure falls. Together, these two numbers are read as the patient’s blood pressure measurement, with the systolic pressure over the diastolic pressure i.e. 120/80.

Typically, systolic blood pressure is considered a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease, in particular for those over 50 years old. As people age, systolic blood pressure steadily rises as a result of artery stiffness, plaque build-up, and increased incidences of cardiovascular disease. However, an elevation in either systolic or diastolic blood pressure may be used to diagnose high blood pressure.


Hypertension (another word for high blood pressure) is often called “the silent killer” because it has no symptoms but can seriously damage your brain, heart, and kidneys. The CDC estimated that roughly 67 million Americans already have high blood pressure.

The good news is that high blood pressure is easily treatable, but you must know your numbers first!  To find out your blood pressure, all you need is a simple blood pressure test. You can have a test done at your doctor’s office, and it’s totally painless.

In November 2017, the American Heart Association and the American College of Cardiology changed the definition for high blood pressure. Under the previous guidelines, anyone with a blood pressure with the top number above 140, or the bottom number above 90 was considered to have high blood pressure.

However, the newer guidelines have lowered the guidelines a little bit:

  • Normal blood pressure is less than 120/80
  • Elevated blood pressure is (120-129)/80
  • High blood pressure, stage 1 is (130-139)/(80-89)
  • High blood pressure, stage 2 is higher than 140/90
  • Hypertensive crisis is higher than 180/120



Fortunately, there are many ways to treat high blood pressure. If you are one of the millions of people dealing with high blood pressure, it is important to check in with your doctor before making any lifestyle or dietary changes. Some people may need medication to control their hypertension, but many need to make basic diet and lifestyle changes to get their blood pressure down into a normal range.

At NJ Diet, health care professionals can scan a patient’s hair and saliva samples to create customized supplements, meal plans and tools to help them lose between 20 and 40 pounds within 40 days and keep it off.

Dr. Arthur Turovets of NJ Diet has proven that his weight loss program, and how it works, can be a big step in a patient’s road to a healthy life.

Losing weight is one of the most important things a person can do in order to improve their health; obesity is linked to not only to high blood pressure, but is a big contributor towards heart disease, diabetes, cancer, autoimmune and inflammatory conditions among others.

Therefore, by following the tips below and making these simple and effective changes, you can greatly help reduce high blood pressure:

Tip #1: Limit Your Sodium Intake

Follow a low-salt diet with no more than 2,300 mg of sodium per day. According to the American Heart Association, someone with high blood pressure should cut back their sodium intake even farther to below 1,500 mg per day.  Simple ways of reducing the salt in your diet is by cutting back on frozen, canned, and restaurant foods (huge sources of sodium), and checking the Nutrition Facts panel on the foods you buy.

While changing your diet may seem overwhelming at first, it is easily manageable!  When you come for a consultation at NJ Diet, the focus is on the customization process. The unique aspect of the NJ Diet program is that we look at the beginning and the end of the digestive process, test every factor that regulates metabolism, appetite fat storage and fat burning and customize a plan for a patient’s success.

Tip #2: Eat More Fruits and Vegetables

You know what’s really low in sodium? Fruits and vegetables! Eat a well-balanced diet that is rich in vegetables, fruits, whole grains and lean proteins. Your diet should also contain small amounts of healthy fats and low fat dairy. While replacing sodium-rich foods with fresh fruits and vegetables isn’t the only way you can use them to reduce your risk of hypertension.  Fruits and vegetables are loaded with healthful nutrients that reduce the risk of chronic disease, help with weight control, and even manage blood sugar.

NJ Diet is a doctor-supervised program, where you are given different diet plans according to your personal body requirements.  You eat real food, which includes fruits and vegetables, and is tailored to your individual needs. Before starting this program, a genetic scan using hair and saliva sample is done in order to fully understand your body and how it reacts, which help us to customize the right diet plan for you.

Tip #3: Exercise Daily: Stay Active

Physical activity not only improves your blood pressure, it can help you maintain a healthy weight and improve overall health.  For adults, the Surgeon General recommends 2 hours and 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise, like brisk walking or bicycling, every week.  Not only does regular exercise improves your physical health, but it also reduces stress and anxiety and helps you sleep better. Simply getting out and walking briskly for 150 minutes per week (on average it is recommended to exercise 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week) is all that is needed. You can also consider adding into strength training, flexibility and stretching exercises.

Tip #5:  You Can Drink Alcohol; But Do So In Moderation

Drinking too much alcohol can increase your blood pressure and make it more difficult to manage your hypertension. Those who have high blood pressure should limit their daily alcohol intake to no more than two drinks per day for men (not to exceed 14 per week) and one drink per day for women (seven per week). One drink equals one and a half ounces of liquor, five ounces of wine or 12 ounces of beer.

Tip #6: Manage Your Anger And Stress Factors

Unfortunately, stress is a huge part of most people’s lives these days.  However, long periods of stress and anger activate your body’s fight or flight response — stress hormones, including adrenaline and cortisol, speed up your heart rate and breathing while raising your blood pressure as your blood vessels constrict. And if this persists over time, chronic high blood pressure can occur. You can minimize stress and anger by managing your time, setting realistic goals for what you can accomplish each day, taking time for yourself and practicing relaxation techniques.


Tip #7: Quit Smoking

The relationship between smoking and the risk of heart disease is well established. Quitting smoking is the single best thing you can do to help reduce your risk for heart disease, heart attack and stroke, and in turn will control your blood pressure.  There is no single benefit to smoking, so just try your best to kick the habit once and for all.

Tip #8:  Natural Supplementation

Calcium, Vitamin D, magnesium, and potassium all help maintain normal blood pressure level. Potassium is important for muscle function, including relaxing the walls of the blood vessels, while magnesium helps regulate hundreds of body systems, including blood pressure, blood sugar, and muscle and nerve function. Calcium is important for healthy blood pressure because it helps blood vessels tighten and relax when they need to.

When you decide to come for a consultation at NJ Diet, we will go over in detail how we take the steps to customize supplements to help every patient attain weight and health goals. We scan for 2,000 bio markers and look for imbalances, which determines how we are able to customize natural supplements and solutions to help balance the hormones and to detoxify the body of bacteria, viruses, metals and toxins.  Our supplements are all natural with no side effects, no hormones and no stimulants, and they’re customized to every patient.



It’s important to work closely with your team of doctors, nurses and other health-care providers once you are diagnosed with high blood pressure. Your doctor may want to see you every month, to ensure that your blood pressure is going down and that you’re not experiencing any side effects of hypertension.

NJ Diet welcomes the opportunity to meet with you for a consultation so we can go over in greater detail how our program works. Supervised by Dr. Arthur Turovets, our program is not only aimed at promoting healthy weight loss, but aims to improve your total wellness. While dieting is one component of our program, our program is also a detoxification and hormone balancing program – where the side effect is weight loss, but the end result is better overall health and well being.


Together with your health care professionals and by making the necessary dietary and lifestyle changes, you can easily control your risk of hypertension and improve your heart health for years to come.

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Author NJ Diet

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